Browsing by Author Dept of Zoology

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Showing results 38 to 57 of 104 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-10ZO 318-Human Anatomy and Physiology Part-I, ADept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 318-Human Anatomy and Physiology Part-I, BDept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 318-Human Anatomy and Physiology Part-I, CDept of Zoology
2018-04ZO 415 - Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDept of Zoology
2017-04ZO 415 - Human Anatomy and PhysiologyDept of Zoology
2022-07ZO 415 - Human Anatomy and Physiology Part II and Comparative AnatomyDept of Zoology
2022-07ZO 418 - Human Anatomy and Physiology Part II and Comparative AnatomyDept of Zoology
2019-08ZO 5115 - Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and ImmunologyDept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 5115-Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Immunology- ADept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 5115-Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Immunology- BDept of Zoology
2021-10ZO 5118 - Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and ImmunologyDept of Zoology
2022-12ZO 5118 – Cell Biology, Molecular Biology And Immunolgy_UG_1st Sem-Dec-2022Dept of Zoology
2020-11ZO 5118- Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and ImmunologyDept of Zoology
2023-12ZO 5123 Non Chordates and Economic Zoology_UG_5th Sem-Dec-2023Dept of Zoology
2019-08ZO 5215 - Ecology, Wildlife and Animal BehaviourDept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 5215- Ecology, Wildlife and Animal BehaviourDept of Zoology
2021-10ZO 5218 - Ecology Wildlife and Animal BehaviourDept of Zoology
2022-12ZO 5218 – Ecology, Wildlife And Animal Behaviour_UG_1st Sem-Dec-2022Dept of Zoology
2020-11ZO 5218- Ecology, Wildlife and Animal BehaviourDept of Zoology