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Showing results 7063 to 7082 of 7181 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Wastewater Reuse and Watershed Management: Engineering Implications for Agriculture, Industry, and the EnvironmentSingh, Ajai
2024-06The Week June 30 2024The Week
2024-05The Week May 26 2024The Week
2024-05-26THE WEEK-HANSA RESEARCH SURVEY(St. Josph's University)The Week
2022Wellbeing of Palliative Care Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic: Implications for Social Work PracticeKrishnan, S. R. G., & Butola, S.
2015-12-01What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important?David B., Resnik,
2023Working with adults with intellectual challenges to enhance their employability skillsKrishnan, S. R. G., & Meena, B. P.
2022-09-28Youth have a role in India's devp: PrezSalar
2022-12Z07522 – Animal Behaviour_PG_1st Sem-Dec-2022Dept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 115 Non ChordataDept of Zoology
2019-08ZO 118 - Animal Diversity of Non-ChordatesDept of Zoology
2018-08ZO 118 - Animal Diversity of Non-ChordatesDept of Zoology
2021-01ZO 118 Animal Diversity of Non ChordatesDept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 118- Animal Diversity of Non Chordates- BDept of Zoology
2020-10ZO 118- Animal Diversity of Non Chordates- CDept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 118- Animal Diversity of Non Chordates- DDept of Zoology
2019-10ZO 118- Animal Diversity of Non Chordates- EDept of Zoology
2021-10ZO 121 - Cytology and GeneticsDept of Zoology
2023-12ZO 121 CYTOLOGY AND GENETICS_UG_1st Sem-Dec-2023Dept of Zoology
2022-12ZO 121 – Cytology And Genetics_UG_1st Sem-Dec-2022Dept of Zoology